Blog Posts Thomas Cannon Author

  • The Impact of Tough Love vs. Nurturing Support on Overcoming Poverty

    The Impact of Tough Love vs. Nurturing Support on Overcoming Poverty

    There are two schools of thought when it comes to the poor and needy. Provide assistance and take care of people or tough love- let them suffer so that they grow into a person that does not need help   I do not believe either works.  I do believe people that suffer but grow are…

  • Poverty is Like Divorce

    Poverty is Like Divorce

    People often tout their overcoming hardships when talking about welfare. They respond, get to work, instead of a hand-out.  People like that should be given more respect than they are. Their point of taking care of yourself as empowering and producing the best outcome  is valid as far as it being the best way. Yet…

  • Writing is About Sharing

    Writing is About Sharing

    Writing is a great way to share with important and/or sad things in your life. Even in fiction it is brave, though you can separate yourself by taking yourself out of it and adapt it to your characters. Here is an excerpt from my novel Shattered. MY main character is a tall, fat comic in…

  • Identifying Healthy Actions and Stopping Maladaptive Behaviors: A Key to a Good Life

    Identifying Healthy Actions and Stopping Maladaptive Behaviors: A Key to a Good Life

    The meme “Sometimes you need a stop doing list as much as you do a to do list” highlights the significance of halting unhelpful behaviors. Dr. Phil recommends identifying what is working, what needs to start, and what needs to stop. Acknowledging positive actions, building on strengths, and addressing maladaptive behaviors is crucial for a…

  • AI is good, but will it be good enough?

    AI is good, but will it be good enough?

    I tried Google’s AI “Gemini.” I asked it for a description of my book The Tao of Apathy. It actually nailed it. So it performed very well. I have used AI for things like giving me a draft of my bio or a book blurb. It has given me some interesting writing. I think AI…

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