organized religion does more harm than good

I try to avoid Facebook arguments, but recently I reposted a meme that said:

Instead of worrying about who owns Tik Tok, worry about who owns the Supreme Court.

Some elderly lady went off on me.  She wrote:

Be more worried about who’s running this country that once was prosperous, followed the Constitution and safe! And now has quickly gone down the tubes in the past three years. Maybe you’re in a protective bubble but there’s some who aren’t. Maybe one should be worried about who’s preaching to you at church–A pedophile or homosexual.

I could not let that stand. I had to respond. So this is what I wrote-

Please don’t be so close-minded and hateful. A pedophile is vastly different than a homosexual.  To include them the same is backward, and unchristian.   I would welcome a sermon by someone who is gay.

I love people that have a different sexual orientation.  They have added value in my life. Some are religious. They love God. God loves them. I have actually slept in the room next to them and lived to talk about it. 

  1. To include them with pedophile is deeply, personally offensive to me.  That is as backward thinking as this Bible verse: 

“Slaves, be subject to your masters with all reverence, not only to those who are good and equitable but also to those who are perverse.” (1 Peter 2:18)

At one time, the church said it was okay for white people to have black people as slaves. Eventually religious people had to give up this hate. Eventually conservatives will have to give up their fear of people that are different from them.

I agree organized religion does more harm than good. This post has nothing to do with religion or the president. So, your answer is confusing. What is not confusing is that the economy is up unemployment is down and the republicans refuse to pass an immigration reform. I have always been one to vote for the most moral person. I cannot vote for someone that cheated on his wife with a porn star while she just had a baby; swindle small businesspeople, let his son in law and daughter use his legacy to do business with Saudi’s Arabia. It’s your right to do so.

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