Poverty is Like Divorce

People often tout their overcoming hardships when talking about welfare. They respond, get to work, instead of a hand-out.  People like that should be given more respect than they are. Their point of taking care of yourself as empowering and producing the best outcome  is valid as far as it being the best way.

Yet the problem is too complicated. These beliefs are an easy way to not have to deal with a complicated problem.

So two people come from a bad neighborhood and grow up in a bad family. One buckles down and works hard. The other one does not.  They try to get a job and then give up.

Comparing these two people is like looking at someone that has a divorce and judging them. I might say to a divorced person- We both got married, had the same size reception, the same size wedding party. Why did you get a divorce?

What did you do wrong?  Oh, my wife and I had huge struggles early on.  We still have to work hard on our relationship. Why did you give up?  Don’t you know divorce is part of what is wrong with America?

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