The Poetry of Identity: Embracing Creativity and Artistry

I have over 60 pieces of writing published and about half of those are poems. I have always written poetry, but only began submitting poetry for publication to build a resume. It was not until I was named the poet laureate before I called myself a poet. So I like to remind myself and others that we are what we do. If you are an artist or a writer, or an arsonist, there is no threshold to reach before you can identify yourself as one.

I think there are similarities between visual artists and poets. And I understand if the artists are a little weary of that. People can knock out some words that rhyme and call themselves a poet.

Like this ditty, that I only read to prove the point.

The time of now is fleeting

My love is retreating

Back to you

Life drains from the extremities

makes your heart the priority

Where art takes time and effort and techniques. However, I think anyone that makes creativity their vocation- artist and writers have an advantage of other people. Our art makes us ready to take in the world with all our senses and be ready to savor it. As artists, we open ourselves to look at the world with awe.

Then we sit down to write poetry or create art. We want to make a work of art that is vibrant and beautiful. The act itself is the poetry of a joyful act. It’s a way to savor the good experiences. To identify what we are grateful for.

And if it is not easy, it promises to be cathartic. Here’s how I see the act of poetry to be similar to artists. Often poets begin with sad events. We take something raw and ugly and shape it into something powerful. I believe that is a way to take power over the bad events in our lives. Instead of just living with the raw material of an event, we shape it into art. The poet takes control of the story.

Studies show 95% of our brain activity is subconscious, and that is where our day-to-day functioning is determined. Poetry and any type of creativity are a way to access the subconscious. And by doing so, we disrupt what we do automatically. Which leads to living life intentionally, with our values.

Each Day Try to get Better

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